


Qurban is an Arabic word which may be translated as sacrifice. As a religous practice that was started by Prophet Abraham (as) by the commandment of Allah (God). Through Prophet Abraham (as) act we commemorate the sacrifice and mark the completion of the annual Hajj pilgrimage. 

The purpose of offering the qurban is to attain nearness to Allah (swt). The act of Qurbani encompasses the very essence of Islam; submission to the will of Allah (swt) and the willingness to sacrifice whatever is asked of us to achieve closeness to Him, just as Prophet Ibrahim (as) demonstrated so many centuries earlier. 

The First Sacrifice in the History of Islam 

Although we commemorate Prophets Ibrahim and Ismail (as) each Eid, sacrifice in the way of Allah (swt) actually predates Ibrahim (as). The sons of Adam (as), the first man on Earth, were the first to offer sacrifice. Habil and Qabil both offered sacrifices to Allah (swt), but only Habil’s sacrifice was accepted. Why was this? Habil’s Qurban was accepted simply on account of his piety and righteousness whereas Qabil’s was rejected because of his lack of piety and the ill thoughts he harboured towards his brother: 

‘And recite to them the story of Adam’s two sons, in truth, when they both offered a sacrifice (to Allah), and it was accepted from one of them but was not accepted from the other. Said (the latter), “I will surely kill you.” Said (the former), “Indeed, Allah only accepts from the righteous (who fear Him)’. (Qur’an 5:27) 

Whilst Habil offered his sacrifice with a sincere intention to be closer to Allah (swt), Qabil’s intention was driven by arrogance and the envy of his brother. This story teaches us about what Qurbani really is. 

As the Qur’an tells us, ‘Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you’ (Quran 22:37). From this we understand that the deeper purpose of this act is to strengthen our iman and our love of Allah (swt) by showing our sincere willingness to sacrifice anything of this dunya to attain closeness to Him. 

When is Qurban Performed? 

Qurban is performed during the Haj season 10th,11th,12th and 13th of Dzulhijjah. The first slaughter can be performed after Solat Eiduladha and the last slaughter need to be performed before Maghrib of the last tashrik day. The animals allowed for Qurban are goat, sheep, cow, buffalo or camel. 

The meat from the Qurban are distributed among 3 categories of people: 
• 1/3 for the poor and needy. 
• 1/3 for family members and friends. 
• 1/3 for the person doing the Qurban - and this portion can be given to non-Muslims. 

God says in the Holy Quran: 

"Lo! We have given thee Abundance. So pray unto thy Lord, and sacrifice." 
(Quran 108:1 - 2) 

"Say: Lo! my worship and my sacrifice and my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the Worlds." 
(Quran 6:162)

SPARE YOUR MONEY FOR QURBAN to express our gratitude and thankfulness to Allah for past and following years! it is only once a year. Give to needy ones and put a smile on their faces.

For those who intended to do udhiyah/ qurbani/ sacrifice in Malaysia, please pay us a visit to choose either goat or sheep that available in our farm. You can simply type "Jariah Agro Farm" on google map to reach to our farm. It is only 15 km from Shah Alam city centre, 20km from Subang Jaya, 35km from Cyberjaya, 45km from KLCC and 55km from KL International Airport.
For further information, kindly call us at +60132003482 or simply click this link to whatapps us.


Selamat hari wanita 2018

Abdullah bin Amr radhiallahu ‘anhuma meriwayatkan sabda Rasulullah Shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam:
"Sesungguhnya dunia itu adalah perhiasan dan sebaik-baik perhiasan dunia adalah wanita solehah." (HR. Muslim no. 1467)
Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda kepada Umar ibnul Khaththab radhiallahu'anhu:
"Mahukah aku beritakan kepadamu tentang sebaik-baik perbendaharaan seorang lelaki, iaitu istri solehah yang bila dipandang akan menyenangkannya, bila diperintah akan mentaatinya, dan bila ia pergi si isteri ini akan menjaga dirinya."
(HR. Abu Dawud no. 1417. Asy-Syaikh Muqbil rahimahullah berkata dalam Al-Jami’ush Shahih 3/57: "Hadits ini shahih di atas syarat Muslim.")
Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam pernah pula bersabda:
"Empat perkara termasuk dari kebahagiaan, iaitu wanita (isteri) yang solehah, tempat tinggal yang luas/ lapang, tetangga yang baik, dan tunggangan (kendaraan) yang selesa.
Dan empat perkara yang merupakan kesengsaraan iaitu tetangga yang jelek, isteri yang jelek (tidak solehah), kenderaan yang tidak nyaman, dan tempat tinggal yang sempit."
(HR. Ibnu Hibban dalam Al-Mawarid hal. 302, dishahihkan Asy-Syaikh Muqbil dalam Al-Jami’ush Shahih, 3/57 dan Asy-Syaikh Al Albani dalam Silsilah Al-Ahadits Ash-Shahihah no. 282)
Tiga hadis di atas merupakan betapa Islam meninggikan darjat seorang wanita solehah.
Dari rahimnya lahir pendidik, pemimpin dan pejuang. Dengan rahim-Nya, Dia memilih wanita untuk mendidik generasi dan anak bangsa.
Wanita adalah teduhan yang mendamaikan kepada sang anak, pendamping yang menyejukkan hati sang suami. Dirinya jua adalah madrasah pertama buat anak-anak.
Teringat kami akan kalam Maulana Abul Hasan Ali al-Nadwi, "Bahkan wanitalah guru pertama yang mengajarkan tauhid kepada anak-anaknya. " Jangan dilupa bahawa dengan wanitalah terasuh generasi masa depan yang berjaya. Bagaimana wanita itu terasuh peribadi dan akhlaknya, begitu lah generasi yang wanita itu wariskan. Akhlak pekerti anak-anak adalah cerminan wanita di dalam sesebuah keluarga.
Sesungguhnya kita semua terhutang budi kepada wanita. Ucapkanlah terima kasih kepada wanita yang berjasa menjadikan siapa anda sekarang ini.
Selamat Hari Wanita, sesungguhnya dirimu amatlah berharga!
Akhukum fillah
P/s: Untuk tempahan kambing aqiqah, kambing golek, catering majlis, susu kambing segar asli dr ladang,  boleh whatapps
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