Why qurban is important ?
Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said: “On the 10th of Zil-Hijjah, there is no better act in the view of Allah than shedding the blood (of slaughtered animals). And verily sacrifice earns the approbation of Allah even before the drop of blood (of the slaughtered animal) falls on the ground. Hence you should offer it in good spirit. For every hair of the sacrificial animal, there is a blessing.”
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (r.a.) reports that the Apostle of Allah (s.a.w.) has said : "Whoever has the capacity to sacrifice and does not do so, should not come to the place where the Eid prayer is offered." (Ibn Majah).
‘Qurbani’ is ‘wajib’ (compulsory) according to Imam Abu Hanifah (and sunnat-e-muakkadah according to other Imams) upon every ‘mukeem’ (domiciled) and who possesses 613.35 grams of silver or its equivalent in money, personal ornaments, stock in trade or any other form of wealth which is surplus to his/her basic needs. Each adult member of a family who possesses that much wealth must perform his/her own ‘Qurbani’ separately.
Hazrat Ibn Umar (r.a.) reports that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) lived in Madinah Munawarah for ten years and performed ‘Qurbani’ every year. (Tirmizi)
Note: Despite the fact that the Prophet (s.a.w.) was not obliged to sacrifice as he never possessed the required amount of wealth, he still did so as can be conceived from the above Hadith.
Hear ye my brothers and sisters in Islam, let's share our wealth with the needy on this sacrifice month, it is only once a year. Put aside some allocations for this purposes and insyallah Allah will give you more. We are provide a lot of livestock (only local sheep for this year) for you to do sacrifice/ qurbani/ uddhiyyah. We cater from A-Z, slaughtering, deskinning and cut into pieces to make you easier to distribute to the needy ones. We also provide distribution services if you dont know where to give (distribution will be done only on 3rd day of Eid).
The price is RM950 (30-35kg liveweight sheep) and RM1000 (35.1 kg and above live weight sheep). This price above is including process (slaughtering, deskinning and cut into pieces), no worry about hidden extra charges except if you have another special request other than our services stated above.
We are welocme our brothers and sisters from Klang Valley especially from Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Damansara, Bukit Jalil, Cyberjaya, Subang Jaya, Puchong, Shah Alam and Klang to pay a visit to our farm to choose qurban sheep by yourself. Don't worry about to lose, you can simply type my farm name "Jariah Agro Farm" on google maps search column or WAZE application to start navigate from your location. Our farm is near to Shah Alam City Centre, easy access via main highway (federal highway, KESAS highway and LKSA highway). If you are from KLCC or Kuala Lumpur, it is just 35km and about 40 minutes driving. If you were tourist and have intention to do uddhiyaah/ qurban with us and no public transport to reach here, you can use GRAB CAR, GRAB TAXI or UBER and it will cost you about RM50-90 depends on option you choose.
Anyhow, you also can put your trust on us to do uddhiyyah/ sacrifice/ qurban for you without need you to come to our farm. Everything we will do for you including distribution. Don't worry, we will provide/share some picture for you (via whatapps) along the process. This option as a last resorts to make you easier to do this annual ibadah. Let's grab this opportunity and please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further inquiries.
CALL/Whatapps: +6013-2003482 (Anas)